For 2023, Look a Bull in the Eye

Bull at National Western Stock Show, Denver

Prize Bull at National Western Stock Show, Denver, Colorado

Hello 2023!

Hello to you all! What I mean is, make this the year to push yourself out of your comfort zone. Do things that are different for you, out of your everyday. Experiences that push you to grow. Expand your horizon and create new interests. The very things you have put off for a while, do plan, take baby steps to begin, and do now. Start checking off your wish list, and turn your dreams into reality. The important thing is to act now, the rest will fall into place. It is never too late.

Some helpful suggestions to make your 2023 a spectacular year for you!

1) Heighten your awareness using all of your senses through your everyday. This leads to living in the present, which is such a gift in of itself.

2) Live your life with gratitude with all of the people who surround you, what you have, and the true abundance of this life.

3) Focus on those things in your life which give you joy, be it your grandchildren, your garden, your cooking, your creativity, your hobbies. True fulfillment and success comes from within, and not externally.

4) Eliminate from your life, those things, people, and circumstances that create stress and grief in your life.

5) Look a bull in the eye, and stretch yourself for growth, passion, and in turn self-confidence in all areas. You are unique, and you have one go around in this life. Take advantage of all that comes to you. Say “yes” more than “no.”

6) Keep a positive attitude, open mind, and a clarity about your life, so you can recognize it instantly, whatever it is. Sometimes life wears many coats, and maybe not exactly the one you were thinking of wearing.

7) Remember we are all connected, and we must be kind, gentle, and loving to all people, things, animals, and beauty that encompass the universe.

8) You can never give too much. Give, give, and give more. Giving uplifts you, and comes back to you in unimaginable abundance.

9) Smile, a smile is gold.

10) Focus always on what you want, not what you don’t want.

11) Set clear intentions for yourself, and review them regularly.

12) One of my dear friends shared with me this saying, “Wear Life Like a Loose Robe.” Ease up on life. Don’t fret, worry, agonize, over things. In the end, it all works out the way it is suppose to.

13) Believe in yourself, the life you create, and the life you have!

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