Posts tagged Vegetable Seed Calendar
Vegetable Edibles to Plant in July

Eggs, Squash, Cherry Tomatoes Inside My Garden Hat I was caught off guard the other day, and didn't have anything convenient with me to collect my eggs, squash, and cherry tomatoes with. Remember I'm going through a remodel, and life is not normal. Then I thought of my faithful garden hat. It sent me into a philosophic moment, about "using what you have," and "wanting what you have." Something similar to what Sheryl Crow croons about. I'm all about re-purposing and finding atypical uses for things, so it put a smile on my face.

Borrowing once again from Charles B.Ledgerwood's Southern California Vegetable Planting Calendar, best seeds to plant in July are: BEANS, beets, carrots, cantaloupe, celery, CORN, CUCUMBER, leek, LIMAS, okra, SQUASH, NEW ZEALAND SPINACH, and swiss chard. For the best planting months the names are capitalized.

Please share some things you have re-purposed, especially for the garden.

VintageGardenGal Tidbit Thyme...

This week I am attending the national Garden Bloggers Meet Up 2010, an annual convergence of garden bloggers and garden buzz. This year it is held in Buffalo, New York, and to all the attendees good fortune, tied in with a prelude to Garden Walk Buffalo, a free self-guided tour of more than 350 gardens around Buffalo, and the biggest garden tour in America. VintageGardenGal will return next week.