Posts tagged Roses
Valentine's Day Tablescaping
Say Love With This Centerpiece

Say Love With This Centerpiece

Usually around Valentine’s Day we see long-stemmed roses for celebration, but this simple centerpiece is just as striking and dramatic. I used an ivory rose, but with your own tablescaping you can make this centerpiece with any color of your choice—a soft lavender, perhaps a dusty pink, or the classic red rose.

Don’t forget to save out a rose for your loved ones to wear in a shirt pocket, lapel, or secured behind an ear.

Simple To Put Together

Simple To Put Together

How To Assemble: Find fresh roses the color of your choice. Remove the outside petals of your roses. Have your waterproof vessel shape and choice on hand. Be sure to protect your buffet or table adequately from moisture. I confess I did this arrangement years ago, before it became clear not to use toxic floral foam. Instead of floral foam, great alternatives are molded chicken wire to your vessel shape, lattice style floral tape across your desired vessel, or even using a floral frog (vintage or new) secured on the bottom of your vessel with waterproof floral frog clay. All of these supplies generally can be found at craft stores, floral supply stores, or online. Cut your roses short on an angle to the desired height. Fill in foliage laterally from the garden with perhaps, juniper, boxwood, or rosemary clippings. Keep filling in foliage until you are satisfied. In time, your roses will open up further, meeting each other.

Add in the Foliage Until Little of Your Vessel Shows

Add in the Foliage Until Little of Your Vessel Shows


I have more great Valentine’s Day tablescaping tips for you with these two short fantastic Instagram videos. Both of these videos remind you not to forget the candles, the music, chocolate, champagne and have fun!

Sarah Anderson, Founder of Chateau Sonoma, a fantastic Frenchie shop now located on the Sonoma Plaza in Sonoma. Where in the world did Sarah find her champagne glasses.

Robyns_French Nest, Robyn Huff out of Florida,, you will love her French passion for vintage. Robyn created her tablescape for about $10.00, some petite DIY, and a few vintage things she had. Amazing!


Valentine’s Day has been on my mind all month! Remember February is Love! It is just one of these years when you want to hold your loved ones close and embrace the love, and present moment that surrounds you. I will be making my Dark Chocolate Terrine with Orange Sauce.

Wishing you a Bon Weekend, and a very memorable Valentine’s Day filled with love……Blessings, Bonnie

Climbing Eden Rose
Climbing Eden Rose In My Potager

Climbing Eden Rose In My Potager

It has taken me three years to cultivate a single bloom from my climbing Eden Rose. It is not easy to find Eden Rose in local nurseries. Search for this rose in pot and bareroot form for sale online. Heirloom Roses is one source for it in a pot.

I first planted my Eden Rose in too shady a spot where it struggled. Finally, this winter I transplanted it to my potager arch to co-mingle with my young Golden Dorsett apple trees. It is very happy now, and has exploded with happy blooms. Eden Rose is a versatile repeat bloomer with an unusual blend of pastel pinks, creams, and yellows. I simply love this rose, and it reminds me of Provence!

I saw and recognized Eden Rose while visiting the magnificent potager, Bastide des Saveurs, near the village of La Cadiere-D'Azur in the Bandol Region of Provence. Here is a link to my past post and visit with Chef René Bérard in May 2015.

Chef René Bérard told me this rose was called Pierre de Ronsard. In the back of my mind, I knew it had another name, and did some exploring. According to Wikipedia, Eden Rose, also known as Pierre de Ronsard was created by Marie-Louise Meilland in France by Meilland International in 1985, as part of the the Renaissance Collection.

Bastide des Saveurs is Chef René Bérard's potager and location for cooking classes. For a treat, visit his website for more information on his quaint family-owned hotel, restaurant, spa, and cookery school,  Bérard Hostellerie.


Provence Morning Light and Eden Rose in Chef Bérard's Potager

Provence Morning Light and Eden Rose in Chef Bérard's Potager

Climbing Eden Rose in My Potager

Climbing Eden Rose in My Potager