Posts tagged Green Goodess Dressing recipe
A Gorgeous Head of Cauliflower

Home Grown "A cauliflower is a cabbage with a college education."-- Mark Twain.  My first attempt growing cauliflower has been very surprising and rewarding. Last November I started a winter vegetable garden and ventured into the unknown. I had never grown many of the winter vegetables, including cauliflower.

Cauliflower seedlings can be found at local nurseries. Look for varieties that are self-blanching, which means you don't have to tie leaves overhead as soon as the center white curd forms to protect them from sunlight. Cauliflower seedlings are easy to grow, but need space. Plant seedlings 16"-18" apart and in rows 2 1/2' apart. Water regularly and soon you will have a large white cauliflower head to harvest. Cauliflowers are ready to harvest when edges begin to loosen.

The exquisite flavor of a home-grown cauliflower makes it really worth growing in your own garden. Harvest a cauliflower by cutting the center white head at its base. Rinse your cauliflower head. It is delicious raw, cut up in bite size pieces. Why not serve it, with the original Green Goddess Dressing as a dip. What a treat, that just doesn't get any better.

My chickens love cauliflower leaves as a treat. Please share if you grow cauliflower in your garden. Please share your favorite recipe for cauliflower.


Green Goddess Dressing

This is a classic dressing, just as popular and versatile today as the year it was created. It is thought to have originated at the Palace Hotel in San Francisco in 1927. The only difference now, is we use a food processor, rather than mincing and mixing all of the ingredients by hand. It can used as a dip, with seafood, and as a salad dressing. I was introduced to this recipe when I attended Georgeanne Brennan's "Provence in California Culinary Weekends" in February 2011.

1 cup mayonnaise

1 clove garlic, chopped

3 anchovy fillets, chopped

1/4 cup chopped chives

1/4 cup chopped parsley

1 tablespoon chopped tarragon

1 tablespoon lemon juice

1 tablespoon Champagne vinegar

1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt

1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper

1/2 cup sour cream or creme fraiche

Combine all ingredients in a food processor; puree until a luscious green and blended. Makes about one and a half (1-1/2) cups. Yum.